About Me

Hi! I'm Daniel, an aspiring software developer from Metro Vancouver. I am currently studying for my degree in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, and have 8 months experience at WelTel Inc. as a Full Stack Developer.

Here, you can explore a selection of my projects. I am passionate about continuously expanding my knowledge of various technologies and honing my skills with programming tools and languages. As a result, I dedicate extra time and effort to refine and perfect these projects as much as possible.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out!

Personal Projects

MoveIt! - Fitness Tracker

MoveIt! is your daily fitness tracker app, designed to inspire and empower users to maintain a healthy lifestyle by allowing them to create daily entries, save custom meals and activities, and track their progress easily

  • Firebase
  • Java


A sketching/drawing Android app. Complete with animations, sound effects, and many features within an easy-to-use interface

  • Java

Letter Rush

A text user interface game about quickly typing valid words within a certain time limit, developed with inspiration from Word Bomb

  • C/C++

Academic Projects

SFU Gobbles

An Android game built with two others as a submission for SFU CSSS Fall Hacks 2021 Hackathon, which placed 2nd and won $300. Developed with inspiration from Gobblet Gobblers, SFU Gobbles is a version of tic-tac-toe containing different sized pieces

  • Java

Duck Hunt

An Android app created for SystemHacks 2022 Hackathon with inspiration from Transit. It uses Kotlin and Google Maps APIs to list nearby bodies of water. Each location has a 'duck' button to track your duck sightings, and you can generate a route from your current position

  • Kotlin
  • Google APIs

Practical Parent App

A school project made in cooperation with 3 others. Designed to assist parents with their children in many ways. Includes a timeout timer, coin flip, task manager, and other activities

  • Java

Contact Me

Feel free to send me a message here: danielnguyen604@gmail.com, I'll try to respond as quick as I can!

You can also visit my GitHub and LinkedIn: